Monday, December 5, 2011

Seeley and Pip, 12" oil portraits

Meet Seeley, a handsome miniature Australian Shepherd with the most gorgeous brown eyes that just melt a person's heart! His housemate is Pip, a pert little black and tan long-haired Chihuahua. You can just see the 'imp' in her eyes! We've dubbed her 'Five Pounds of Trouble'. It was such a pleasure to paint these two lovely dogs for the gift-giver. (shhh, it's a secret til Christmas). They were picked up today and will go to their new home on December 25th~!

1 comment:

  1. The kids were absolutely delighted with the portraits of Pip and Seeley. They felt you really captured their dogs. They took your card because they feel their mom would probably want a portrait of her cat after seeing these portraits. Thanks again for your wonderful work. Together, you and I really made my kids' Christmas!
    Heather K - Lynnwood

